Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom's are kinda like Jesus or: Grateful, Great and Full

Today was the day we celebrate Mother's. One day. Somehow that doesn't seem right does it?
But at least mother's get a nationally recognized day. A day they (we) are supposed to get our desires and wants met by someone else in the family. How many Mother's Days has that worked out for you? None that I can remember. I don't remember ever taking care of my mom either. Not totally. But, instead of complaining, Mother's just keep doing their job.
You know the whole "man must work from sun to sun but a mother's work is never done". If you're very perceptive, you figure this out even as a child! I know when I'd be watching Gunsmoke with my Dad and brothers and Mom would be running the sweeper under our feet, I figured out really fast that she was never caught up with her many jobs..
But what I have to say today is about being Grateful and the Great and the Full.

Grateful: Grateful for an amazing woman we called Big Momma. Because she was over 5 ft. tall. Which made her taller than her oldest daughter so my oldest cousin called her "Big Momma" and it stuck! She birthed 10 children. 9 of whom lived to adulthood. One of them my mother! Grateful that Big Momma and Poppa took my mother to a spirit filled church where she played piano and my Daddy found Jesus in a tent revival! Grateful that my parents raised me in a spirit-filled home where basically serving God and putting HIM first wasn't an option. Big Momma has been gone over 20 years. But her memory is as alive to me today as it was then. She was our rock! Thank you Jesus for the Aunts and Uncle that still remain that pray for our family like Big Momma did.
Grateful for an amazing Mother who worked full time even in the 1960's and still managed to raise 3 kids, be a pastor's wife and put up with everything a mother, wife and pastor's wife puts up with.. She learned from the best!
Grateful that she taught me about Jesus, first and foremost and that in our home there was never any question about how you would behave or what was important. My values are what they are because of the way I was raised.
I instilled those same values into the 2 daughters that God entrusted into Jerry and my's care.
Grateful that one of them is a mother of 3 boys. She is an amazing mom and is again carrying on our family's values with a little of her husband's family included! She homeschools, cooks every day, reads to them, writes, and still manages to run a household. She is truly my hero.
Grateful for another daughter who isn't a mother yet but has the promise of God on her life.
Missing her this particular first mother's day that she lives away from Texas. But God is in that too.
Grateful: for my health
Grateful: for 2 son-in-law's who love God more than they love my daughters and follow Him faithfully: NO MATTER WHAT!!
Grateful: for extended family

MOST importantly: Grateful to Jesus. For saving me. Loving me. Pursuing me. Filling me over and over and over with the precious Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me every step

Great: Being a grandmother~ Positively the best thing that has ever happened to me.
When those little boys put their arms around me and say " love you, Nana", nothing else matters!! Hand made cards, pieces of rock (heart shaped of course) a wild flower or acorn cap, all treasure for Nana~! Priceless.

Full: My heart is full tonight. Full of love, gratitude, emotion.
Love from my girls, my husband, grandboys, Mother and extended family.
Gratitude to God for all He has given us. I realize nothing I have is because of me. It is ALL Him and I can never forget that. Emotions are up and down. Like a roller-coaster. Happy and sad all at the same time. Lonesome for my baby girl...but happy... because I know she is where God has her. For now....

As the day we celebrate Mom comes to an end, let's remember that Mom's are kinda like Jesus... The never give up on you, they love you unconditionally, they are always there for you and will always listen to you even if you are complaining!
Yes, the more I think about it...Mom's sound a lot like Jesus!
Wow! I wonder... Do you think that's an accident? God created someone in His image to take care of His children here on earth. No, no accident. Nothing with God is ever and accident!

Thank you God for Mothers who are made in YOUR image to care, love and nurture their children as You do yours~
Yes... I'm blessed.

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