Friday, June 7, 2013

What we need to watch out for..follow up: We have to quit blaming Obama for America's problems!

This was a blog I wrote the day of the Inauguration of the President. I thought it had posted. Here it is for those who weren't sure about my thoughts in January...

No, I didn't lose my mind  when I said we have to quit blaming Obama for America's sins.
So today, I will expound on what I think we can blame him for or better still what I do realize he is for and is pushing on "We the People"

His speech yesterday (which by the way, I did not even turn on the television. I'm kinda like the guy holding up the sign leaving the inauguration, 'not my president') showed his liberal agenda about as good as anything he has done lately. I have listened on the Internet and read it online.
He will continue to push the gay rights agenda as long as he is in office. He wants everyone to be treated equally. He tries to tie it to civil rights, i.e. black/white agenda.
But truth be told, gay/lesbian rights are a sin issue with me. We were created by God Almighty to be joined with a person of the opposite sex to pro-create. THAT is the natural order that God intended.
I don't believe in adoption by gay couples. I don't believe they should be promoted or allowed to marry. If someone wants to name someone of the same sex as their life insurance beneficiary I have no problem with that. That is not a moral issue. But sex between people of the same gender is.
It is not normal or natural. How do he and Michelle explain that to their teen age daughters?

Michelle "the Jackie Onassis of the 2000" (gag me) rolled her eyes at lunch with Senator Boehner yesterday... How classless was that! She along with her husband is showing what they are really about.
The great thing is, it was caught on tape and has been an "internet sensation". Love that she acted like a brat at the inaugural lunch!!  Again, classless.
Today I see that Newsweek has called  Obama's re-election the  'second coming'.  People better be prepared for what this man and his band of idiots have in store for OUR America over the next four years. It is not the second coming of anything. Except trouble!

I am now and have always been very opinionated. It has been said I don't have a filter.
Whatever.. This is what I see.
We are moving farther and farther away from what our constitution says and what this country was founded on.  We are becoming more like Sodom and Gomorrah and less like America was intended to be. I believe that our president not only doesn't care about most of the people in America, I believe he does not care if he destroys America, as long as he can remain in control . I do not believe that if he runs America in the ground, making us weak and vulnerable, he will not see that as a problem.
I believe he is so blinded by satan and his lies that he really and truly believes he is right.
I was a tiny bit relieved to see that he turned around as he was leaving the podium to look at the mall covered in people in his honor and said I want one last look, because I will never see this again.
Whew!! At least he knows  he's done in 4 years.  As much as that makes me feel better, it also makes me keenly aware that now the move is on to push as much through as he can. Because let's face it,
once something becomes law, it's a lot harder to repeal that it is to get it approved.
Gun control is another issue where I have a problem. We have always owned guns. But we have used them for hunting game. It has been a family tradition. We do not use them to hunt people. They were a necessity for our fore-fathers. I do not want them to be a necessity for me or my children or grandchildren.
I do not like how he is leaving us open to terrorist attacks. The Chinese, Koreans, Iranians...
Everyone is building nuclear weapons, don't kid yourself. Osama Bin Laden was the tip of the iceberg.

"Obamacare" as it is so affectionately called is a huge problem.
I do not believe I should have my tax dollars pay for illegal immigrants medical care, although it has for the last 50 years. I do not believe I should pay for anyone's abortion or morning after pill. I do not believe that it should be mandatory for Christian companies like Hobby Lobby to provide that kind of benefit. I appreciate them taking a stand. I do not believe that to make small businesses provide health insurance that they can't afford to the point the make everyone a "part-time employee" to avoid having to provide insurance is the answer. His plan to help the uninsured makes more people uninsured. And as we all know Ms. Pelosi said 'let's pass this bill, then we can read it'.. Wow!! Now that's brilliant! I won't even get into what it will do to healthcare as we know it. Ask people in countries who have national healthcare about it.

I do not believe my tax dollars should go to public schools to pay for illegals children to be educated when that takes money away from other important things. Our teachers are too busy trying to teach these kids English, which their parents refuse to learn. Plus, the quality of education in America to compare with other countries is a joke! Taxes play a big part in education. Tax law is governed by the federal government.
The fiscal cliff is more than that. It is a cliff that will leave us to where our government will be broke and cannot pay the millions who are on social security. You could see thousands die of starvation or be homeless because their only income is that and they have no way to eat or nowhere to live. We are owned by the people we have borrowed money from. I do not want our national language to be Chinese. We can't keep just printing paper money. It might as well be monopoly money.
We have enough oil and natural gas on our land and out in our oceans to take care of America for hundreds of years. But it is more important to this administration to protect some bird that is about to be extinct than owing millions to the Saudi's.. Why is that??

At the risk of droning on and on about what a joke the last 4 years have been, let me say, I have TRIED to give the man the benefit of the doubt.
I have read excerpts from his book  "The Audacity of Hope" where he professes to have walked the aisle to make Jesus his Savior. I REALLY wanted to believe that. I truly want to see the best in everybody.
But how can you say Jesus is your Savior and allow thousands of babies a year to be killed or promote unnatural sex between same sex couples? But there again, Bill Clinton did the exact same thing.
I prayed for Clinton. I prayed that every time he touched a bible it would burn his hands! Because of the liar that he was. I haven't prayed for Obama. I have disliked him to the point that it has almost been hatred and that is wrong too. I have to pray for him. It is my Biblical duty. But I am torn as how to pray. Yes, I will pray for his soul. But I am concerned it is too late for that. I am now at the point of  praying for God to spare us from whatever evil is beset us. As Christians, I believe we need to be diligent. Watching the news, not necessarily listening to doomsday forecasters, being wise, listening to others who are of the same mind and whom you are in one accord with. Being more in-tune to the Spirit of God than ever before.  Trust our instinct. I believe the Spirit will speak.

Be prepared. For anything and everything. war, on our soil, between your neighbors. Marshall law. I don't know. I just think we could see anything because I think it is about rendering the American people helpless. Even non- Christians are preparing for troubled times.
I also believe it is time for our church leaders to address coming issues and not to ignore what is going on around us.

Since I wrote this in January other horrific events have happened on American soil. They blame guns, not gun owners. He called a "gay" athlete and congratulated him on coming out. But he has no time for a Christian athlete who does good everywhere he goes. He called the gay man an example to all? Really, Mr. President. Is that what you want your girls following. Someone who practices what the Bible refers to as an abomination?
 The left wing is bound and determined to take away as many of our freedoms as possible and to make us dependent on government. I am still convinced the church has a job to do and they are shirking it.  I still believe there is hope for America.
That hope is found in Christ alone!!!