Righteous living. Exactly what is "Righteous Living?" Is that where you try to impose your ideas, opinions, rules or own convictions on someone else? Or is it really where you live a life according to what the Biblical translations for righteousness are? Let's hope it's the latter.
I lead a ladies Bible study group through my church. For a little over 6 years I have talked to them about the "plumbline" of righteousness. I see that as the Bible. In Amos 7:7 God talks about the plumb wall he is standing on and the fact that He is going to extend a plumbline over Israel because of their sin. He is tired of sin being rampant so he is giving them a chance to "clean up their act" as it was. Matthew Henry's commentary says God's patience was about gone. But the prayers of Amos stayed God's hand from totally destroying Israel. He just sent the plague of locusts instead! (But if you read it, He waited until the spring fields were harvested, so that they wouldn't totally starve. Even then, when His patience was gone, God was merciful, because of the prayers of the righteous)
I contend that there is a "plumbline" today that as a "Christ-follower" as Brady Boyd likes to call it, we should be observing. I believe that the Bible, the Holy Word of God is that plumbline. I tend to make reference to that in my weekly Bible study. I will extend my arm out straight holding my bible and explain that the Word is our plumb line and I see too many Christians these days who are out dangling around in left field. They are not adhering to the principals and commands of the Word because we have become so lax in our thinking about sin and the reprocussions of sin. We live under grace. I'm good... God is good. everything is cool.
But that's not exactly right. The promises of the Word come with a few provisions shall we say. We must adhere to certain things for the promises to be fulfilled in our lives.
The Word of God has not changed. It is unfailing. It is as He is. The same, yesterday, today and forever. No one has gone in and removed the 10 commandments and said, "oh, those don't apply in today's society". They are still there.
As a Christ-follower, we would never commit murder, rob a bank, steal a car, etc, etc.
These are acts that we KNOW are wrong. But what about the little things?
Does the bible not tell us to "abstain from the very appearance of evil"? (1Thess. 5:22)
In the verse previous it says, "test everything, hold on to that which is good".
It doesn't say just to stay away from evil. It says that that APPEARS evil.
What appears evil to you?
A friend of mine made a comment a few weeks ago that spoke to me literally at my core.
She was talking about grieving or offending the Holy Spirit of God.
If the Holy Spirit of God lives within us and as a Christ follower I believe it does, am I willing to subject Him (Holy Spirit) to things like movies where His name is used vainly, where sex outside of marriage is glorified,where homosexual lifestyles are shown as the norm.
If I am at a movie and the previews are of anything that would seem demonic in any way, (yes, vampires and even aliens in some instances) my spirit immediately rises up and is offended.
I believe that is the "plumbline" that the Father has placed in me to live a life that is consecrated to Him.
I know that in today's society many Christians have become less "offended" shall we say at the things of the world than we were when I was a child. Television shows today are so much more sexually explicit than they were even 10 years ago, it is staggering. We are desensitized to sin on so many levels.
Is it a sin to watch a movie where they use the filthiest language over and over and use horrible terms for another person or use the Lord's name in vain? That's not my place to say, but for me it would offend the Spirit of God living in me. So yes, for me it would be wrong.
We wouldn't THINK of cheating on our husbands, yet we fill our minds with images of people doing just that and call it entertainment!
Is it a sin to drink? Probably not. Is it a sin to get drunk, yes. (biblical ref. 'be not drunk with wine, wherein as excess' Eph. 5:18 - that's the new testament, in case you are wondering, so it DOES count) Is it a sin for me to offend my brother or sister and cause them to stumble? Absolutely.
There are people God has placed in my life who look up to me for spiritual guidance and they are under my leadership. For me not to TRY and live a life that is pleasing to God is unthinkable to me. I take the role I have very seriously. I believe that I am called to a higher standard than the world, because of my personal relationship with God, the creator of Heaven and Earth. The one who SPOKE the universe into existance. HE knows my name. He knows the number of hairs on my head. He knew long before my parents were ever born that my life would happen and that I would have a burning desire to follow Him all the days of my life and make a difference whether it be great or small for the kingdom of God.
The bible says in Luke 12:48 ..to whom much is given, much will be required.. This is the parable of the unfaithful servant. It talks about the servant who is faithful to do the work he has been set forth to do, but that the man who is not doing what he is called to would be beaten with 'many stripes'. This particular passage is where most people get the "called to a higher standard" speech.
I prefer to use as my "called to a higher standard" scripture Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, HOLY, acceptable to God, which is your "REASONABLE SERVICE" (emphasis added) And do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. CONFORMED according to the NKJV bible I have says ; to conform oneself to an outward fashion or appearance as in 1 Peter 1:13-16 where it says.. gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ, as obedient children, not 'conforming' yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance, but as He who has called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct , because it is written: Be holy, for I am holy.
Wow! It doesn't get any more plain than that, does it?
And what is this "renewal of the mind" that it talks about in Romans? It is a restoring to freshness, to an original state. It intimates the potential of redemption's power to God's original purpose for us, His creation. It means a change in your thought process. Redemption power instills Godliness in us, it is a power that literally TRANSFORMS!!
Christ like living is not complicated. We have a "plumbline". It just calls for submission to our heavenly Father's provision and His ways!
What do we receive in return? Only eternal life and the joy of knowing that we are indeed presenting ourselves to Him to use as He would use us.
Isn't that after all our "reasonable service"?